The facilities of the University Library are open to the public. The reading rooms are open to all interested non-university members as well as university members.
The relationship between users and the library is governed by the General Library Regulations of the Bavarian Public Libraries, and, based on this, is specified in the Library Regulations of Passau University Library.
These aids are permitted for transporting books and work materials to the reading rooms:
What is allowed in the reading room?
What should you leave outside?
Taking food into the reading rooms and eating it is generally not permitted. Snacks may only be consumed on site in the Library Lounge. You may bring your own food into the foyer of the central library.
In most areas of the reading rooms, a quiet rule applies in order to enable concentrated learning. Mobile phones may therefore only be used in silent mode.
Areas where conversations at an appropriate volume are permitted:
The reading rooms are very busy during the examination period. To ensure that as many people as possible can find a desks during this time and to avoid permanent reservations, desk reservation discs (or 'Pausenscheiben' in German) are available in the entrance areas of the reading rooms.
This is how it works:
Please return the reservation disc to the collection point after use.