Logo of the University of Passau

Posters, displays in the reading room

Posters (placards, job advertisements) that fulfil the following requirements may be displayed in the designated locations in the University Library:

  • they are related to the University of Passau. This should be clear (e.g. from the university logo, those responsible are university members).
  • non-commercial event
  • temporary notices (e.g. event dates, application deadlines)
  • only one notice at a time

The following locations are available for posting:

  • Foyer of the Central Library: magnetic board (right half). Posters with a clear connection to the university can be put up independently. If you need magnets, please ask at the counter. If the connection to the University of Passau is not clear, please show the posters to the counter staff first.
  • Reading room Nikolakloster: glass wall in the entrance area. Please submit the notice to the counter staff here.
  • Computer Science/Mathematics reading room: notice board in the entrance area to the reading room. Please submit the notice to the counter staff here.

All notices must be posted in the places described – no adhesive tape may be used. If this is used and results in damage to property, the person responsible will be reported to the police.

Information material (flyers) can be displayed in the entrance area of the Central Library (information stand at the bottom of the reading room stairs) if the following requirements are met:

  • Relevance to the University of Passau. This should be clear (e.g. from the university logo, those responsible are university members)
  • Event flyers only for non-commercial events

In the computer science/mathematics reading room, the database flyer IEEE Xplore may be displayed.

The following publications may only be displayed in the following locations in the university library:

 Central Library: information stand in the entrance area at the bottom left of the reading room stairs.

  • Aviso - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Kunst in Bayern
  • Blank
  • CaTer - Campus und Termine an der Uni Passau
  • Schwarz-Rot-Gold - Magazin der Bundesregierung

Central library: bar tables in the foyer 

  • Blank
  • CaTer - Campus und Termine an der Uni Passau

Central Library: bar table in the Library Lounge

  • Blank
  • CaTer - Campus und Termine an der Uni Passau

Computer Science/Mathematics Reading Room: Tables at the research stations

  • Aviso - Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Kunst in Bayern
  • Schwarz-Rot-Gold - Magazin der Bundesregierung
  • Human performance in space - a sponsored supplement to Science

Law library: information stand on the left of the entrance to the reading room

  • Azur - Karrieremagazin, JUVE Verlag
  • Azur 100, JUVE Verlag
  • Anwaltsblatt Karriere, Dt. Anwaltsverein
  • Beck'scher Referendarführer, Beck Verlag

Please also note the general regulations for advertising on campus and the FAQ on advertising options.

If you wish to display notices or distribute information material and publications that deviate from these guidelines, please contact the secretariat of the management board in advance by e-mail: ub-sekretariat@uni-passau.de

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