You can use the Passau Search Portal to order books from the closed stacks for borrowing. The books are usually ready for collection on the following working day by 11:00 a.m.
Books and media that are out on loan can be reserved in the Passau Search Portal. You will be notified by e-mail as soon as a reserved medium is available. It is not possible to reserve books from the reading room collections.
Ordered and reserved books are available in the collection area of the Central Library.
In your library account you can check your loans, deadlines, orders and reservations at any time.
The books in the collection area of the Central Library are anonymised according to user numbers. Withdraw the books and have them registered at the circulation desk. In your own interest, please make sure that the books are not damaged before borrowing them.
The books provided by the University Library are on the shelves for seven opening days, interlibrary loan books for a two-week period; after that, books that have not been collected are put back.