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Publishing your doctoral thesis

The University Library of Passau supports doctoral candidates in publishing their doctoral thesis. Please also refer to the general doctoral degree regulations of the University of Passau and the subject doctoral degree regulations of your faculty for general information as well as formal requirements for publication. Doctoral theses may only be published after the oral examination has been passed and permission to print has been granted.

Following publication, your doctoral thesis will be listed in the Passau search portal and in the Bavarian Union Catalogue and will thus be generally visible and discoverable and accessible to the academic community.

At the University of Passau, you have the following options for fulfilling the publication requirement, depending on the doctoral degree regulations:

The publication of the doctoral thesis through a publishing house is accepted by all doctoral degree regulations. With this route, most of the details can be clarified with the publishing house. Be sure to comply with any required endorsements and the minimum number of copies according to the Doctoral degree regulations. If there are any uncertainties, consult your relevant dean's office.

Submit the deposit copies required for the doctorate to the relevant dean's office, which will forward them to the library.

The publication of the doctoral thesis on OPUS Passau is accepted by all doctoral degree regulations. When this is done, your doctoral thesis will be published in the University Library's repository and thus made freely available via the Internet. To publish on OPUS Passau, please do the following:

Upload your doctoral thesis via the button "Publish" as a PDF file on OPUS Passau and fill out the upload form.

Fill out the consent form given at the end of the upload process, select the desired licence and sign it.

Deliver the number of printed copies required by your doctoral degree regulations and the signed declaration of consent to the library.

Please note the following:

  • The uploaded PDF file and the print copies to be delivered must be identical. (In case of any problems, especially legal ones, please contact us and the relevant dean's office in advance.) Please deliver the file in PDF/A standard if possible.
  • In the declaration of consent, you can choose between assigning a simple right of use to the University Library in accordance with §53 UrhG or publishing under one of the Creative Commons licences CC BY or CC BY-SA.
  • The printed copies should be bound in a durable manner (e.g. adhesive binding). Ring binders and spiral binding are not accepted.
  • The number of printed copies to be delivered is stipulated in the respective valid (subject) doctoral degree regulations:
    • Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics: 2 copies;
    • Faculty of Law: 1 copy plus another for direct submission to the dean's office;
    • Faculty of Arts and Humanities: 3 copies;
    • Faculty of Social Sciences and Education: 3 copies;
    • Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies: 3 copies;
    • School of Business, Economics and Information Systems: 3 (new doctoral regulations) or 4 (old doctoral regulations) copies.
  • Print copies can be delivered in person or by post to University Library Passau / OPUS, Innstr. 29, 94032 Passau. Please notify us in advance by e-mail before handing in your application in person.
  • You can send the signed consent form together with the printed copies or as a scan by e-mail to opus@uni-passau.de.

As soon as all documents have been received and checked, we will release your doctoral thesis on OPUS Passau and notify you by e-mail. The publication is confirmed to the relevant dean's office, which will then care of the further formalities of the doctoral procedure (issuance of the doctoral certificate).

Print publication outside a publishing house ("copy shop variant") is accepted by the doctoral degree regulations of the Faculty of Law as well as the Faculty of Economics. In this method, publishing is done by handing in 80 (JUR) or 25 (WIWI) printed and durably bound copies of your doctoral thesis to the responsible faculty administration, which will be forwarded to the library. The copies are then distributed to other academic libraries in Germany to ensure the dissemination necessary to fulfil the publication requirement.

Publication on microfiche is recognised by the latest version of the doctoral degree regulations of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities as well as the old doctoral degree regulations of the Faculty of Economics. In addition to the original ("Masterfiche"), you must hand in 30 (PHIL/SoBi/GeKu) or 50 (WIWI) further copies of the microfiche as well as 3 (PHIL/SoBi/GeKu) or 4 (WIWI) printed copies of your doctoral thesis to the responsible dean's office, which will then be forwarded to the library. The copies are then distributed to other academic libraries in Germany to ensure the dissemination necessary to fulfil the publication requirement.


Are there any formal requirements?

The doctoral degree regulations stipulate whether there are any requirements and, if so, which ones. For example, the title page may be required to identify the text as a doctoral thesis or to name the faculty to which it was submitted. Be sure to follow any specified formulations.

Printed copies that you submit to the dean's office or the library must be bound in a durable way; ring binders or spiral bindings are not accepted.

If you publish your doctoral thesis on OPUS Passau, the PDF and print copies must be identical. It is best to print the same PDF that you upload.

How will my doctoral thesis be made identifiable?

Depending on the chosen publication medium, different identifiers can be assigned to your doctoral thesis, which serve to uniquely identify your publication and are key to its visibility and making it easier to find. Persistent identifiers for online documents, such as a Uniform Resource Name (URN) or a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), also contribute to long-term availability and citability and are therefore strongly recommended for electronic publications.

In the case of a published work, the publisher usually automatically assigns an ISBN from its allotment and, in the case of simultaneous online publication on the publisher's platform, an additional DOI.

When publishing on OPUS Passau, a URN is automatically generated.

Identifiers are not automatically assigned for microfiche or print publications outside of a the publishing house. Your doctoral thesis can then only be identified by its bibliographic data.
If you would like an ISBN for an OPUS, microfiche or print publication outside the publishing sector, you can acquire one as a private individual directly via the ISBN shop of the MVB and include it in the publication version of your doctoral thesis.

What do I have to consider for a cumulative doctoral thesis?

Analogous to conventional doctoral theses, cumulative doctoral theses can also be published on OPUS Passau.
Please contact the publishers with which you have published or intend to publish the articles and check with them if re-publication in an institutional repository is permitted. Information on this can usually be found in the publication contract or on the publisher's website.
In case of any problems, please contact us and the relevant dean's office in advance.

Some publishers offer an automated way to check this via the RightsLink service of the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC). To do this, find your article on the publisher's online platform and click on the corresponding link ("Request Permission", "Reprints and Permission" or similar). You will then be redirected to the Copyright Clearance Centre. (Note: Because the CCC is a third-party provider, registration may be required there independently of the publisher)

The separate publication of individual essays that are or will be part of a cumulative doctoral thesis is also possible on OPUS Passau.

Does OPUS Passau offer the possibility of a re-publication?

You are welcome to make your doctoral thesis, which has already been published by a publisher, additionally available in Open Access via OPUS Passau, provided that your publication contract allows this. Please clarify your rights in this regard with the publisher in advance, this is best done during the publication process.

You can also publish documents that have already been published on OPUS Passau as a re-publication with a publisher; when doing so, inform the publisher that your text has already been published via an institutional repository. There is no possibility to undo the publication on OPUS.

Are VG Wort counters used on OPUS Passau?

OPUS Passau does not support VG Wort with a download counter. However, you have the opportunity to participate in the special distribution of VG Wort by applying for a lump-sum payment for your work.

Mailing address

University Library Passau
Innstrasse 29
94032 Passau


Corinna Gebert
Raum ZB 223a
Innstraße 29
Tel.: +49(0)851/509-4129
Fax: +49(0)851/509-1602
Simon Kutscher
Raum ZB 229
Innstraße 29
Tel.: +49(0)851/509-1655
Fax: +49(0)851/509-1602
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