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Student assistants

The Passau University Library is converting the employment relationship of student assistants to the TV-L (collective agreement for the public service of the German Länder). We therefore ask you to please refrain from unsolicited applications for the time being.

The University Library employs student assistants to work late, at weekends and on public holidays in the reading rooms. If you are interested in this job, we will be happy to include your unsolicited application in our application pool.


    You are studying at least in your second semester at the University of Passau.
    You are prepared to work until midnight or at weekends.
    You are also willing to work during lecture-free periods.
    You are characterised by resilience, conscientiousness, reliability and punctuality.
    You do not yet have a Master's or state examination degree.

We are preferably looking for students with a longer period of employment.

Remuneration is based on the statutory minimum wage.
The employment contracts cover between 20 and 40 hours per month.

Your tasks:

    Borrowing and returning books
    Supervision in the library
    Collection maintenance
    Opening and closing the library

Please send your application documents only by e-mail in one PDF document (cover letter, CV and certificate of enrolment) to:

University Library
Ms Carola Resch-Wawra
Email: carola.resch@uni-passau.de

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Resch-Wawra (Tel.: +49 851 509-1620).

Please note that you will only be invited to an interview if there is an actual need to recruit. We will delete your electronic application documents after 6 months at the latest.

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